T. Hohaia
This is an article from the resource Te Kōrerorero – Talking Together (Te Whāriki) and it looks at the importance and the skills needed to share cultural stories in an ECE setting.
Storytelling is a way for tamariki to learn local history and whakapapa. Knowing local stories introduces meaningful vocabulary, such as place names. It also contributes to a sense of identity and relationship to people and land.
Get to know stories about the local history and people, including pakiwaitara (stories) and pūrākau (ancient stories). Make these a regular feature of your curriculum.
Listen to a kaiako from Kidsfirst Kindergartens Lyttelton tell a local story about Tamatea Pōkai Whenua and their maunga. Tamariki use different props, objects, and drama to tell the story.
27 Feb 2024